Tecpetrol strengthens its commitment to education
In 2024, Tecpetrol awarded 270 scholarships to high school students and 15 to university students in Argentina as part of the Roberto Rocca Scholarships Program, an initiative that aims to provide support to students who excel for their academic achievements.
Every year, the Roberto Rocca Scholarships Program shines a spotlight on outstanding young talent, encouraging students to strive for top academic achievements. More than just rewarding excellence, this initiative helps create equal opportunities while fostering growth and development in the communities surrounding our operations.
During 2024, 120 scholarships were awarded to students from the Neuquén Basin and Vaca Muerta area: 82 from Catriel in Río Negro, 15 from Senillosa, 3 from Añelo and 20 from Rincón de los Sauces, in Neuquén. Eighty scholarships went to students from the NOA basin area: 43 from Tartagal, 18 from Aguaray, 15 from General Enrique Mosconi and 4 from Salvador Mazza, in Salta. Seventy awards were made to students from the San Jorge Gulf basin area in Comodoro Rivadavia and Rada Tilly, in Chubut while 15 scholarships were awarded to university students in the cities of Neuquén, Plaza Huincul and Cutral Có, in the province of Neuquén.
“The Roberto Rocca Scholarships seek to accompany, recognize and reward high school and university students in our communities for their efforts and commitment to education and academic excellence,” explained Camila Faija, CORE Sr. Analyst, during the presentation ceremony. The event was held for the first time in Rincón de los Sauces, marking a new milestone in the program’s mission to support education. Maria Laura Garcia, Chief Human Resources Officer, shared her enthusiasm about the fact that the new location for the event: “This is the first time we‘ve celebrated the scholarships award event in Rincón de los Sauces, and we’re delighted to be here today.”
The recipients of the Scholarships were chosen through a rigorous selection process that evaluated academic excellence, socioeconomic background and commitment to life goals. At the same time, the evaluation committee considered aspects such as diversity and inclusion, both in terms of gender and training (whether candidates were from technical or non-technical schools).