Tecpetrol’s Code of Conduct and Business Conduct Policy set out behavioral guidelines for employees, and govern relationships with customers, suppliers, governmental entities and other third parties involved in our business processes. The purpose of these Conduct guidelines is to ensure compliance with the regulations of the countries where the company is present, which prohibit corruption and bribery among other illegal practices.
Tecpetrol has developed a program aimed at preventing bribery and mitigating the risks of corruption, which is strictly followed by all its employees. Additionally, a Compliance Officer has been appointed to help consolidate a culture of ethical conduct, as well as to implement, disseminate, and monitor this program. The program includes:
- Assessment of corruption risks associated with the countries where the company operates.
- Implementation of specific procedures to ensure compliance with the Business Conduct Policy.
- Evaluation of people’s integrity when hiring representatives and critical advisers.
- Staff communications and training on anti-bribery policies and procedures.
- Monitoring and audits.
Tecpetrol’s commitment to open and transparent management is part of its heritage and a key competitive strength.