About us

Ethical commitment

Transparent and open management

Integrity and transparency

Integrity, transparency and compliance with the laws of the land are key values for Tecpetrol. Our company leaders play a vital role in fostering open and transparent management and a corporate culture based on ethical behavior and legal compliance.

Commitment to these values, as shown by our employees and related third parties, is essential for long-term business maintenance. To safeguard this, we follow a Code of Conduct and a Business Conduct Policy, which enshrine our commitment to abide by the values of our corporate culture.

Ethical culture

Business Conduct

Tecpetrol’s Code of Conduct and Business Conduct Policy set out behavioral guidelines for employees, and govern relationships with customers, suppliers, governmental entities and other third parties involved in our business processes. The purpose of these Conduct guidelines is to ensure compliance with the regulations of the countries where the company is present, which prohibit corruption and bribery among other illegal practices.

Tecpetrol has developed a program aimed at preventing bribery and mitigating the risks of corruption, which is strictly followed by all its employees. Additionally, a Compliance Officer has been appointed to help consolidate a culture of ethical conduct, as well as to implement, disseminate, and monitor this program. The program includes:


  • Assessment of corruption risks associated with the countries where the company operates.
  • Implementation of specific procedures to ensure compliance with the Business Conduct Policy.
  • Evaluation of people’s integrity when hiring representatives and critical advisers.
  • Staff communications and training on anti-bribery policies and procedures.
  • Monitoring and audits.

Tecpetrol’s commitment to open and transparent management is part of its heritage and a key competitive strength.

  • Ricardo MarkousChief Executive Officer (CEO)

    We're all responsible for building and strengthening our values of transparency and integrity in each task we undertake.


Code of Conduct

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Policy on Business Conduct for Third Parties

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Transparency Line

In accordance with its integrity and transparency standards, Tecpetrol has established a confidential communication channel called the Transparency Line, which is available to personnel, suppliers, investors and third parties in general.

This channel allows people to report possible irregularities, such as:

  • Theft or fraudulent acts
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Breaches of the Code of Conduct, internal policies and the law
  • Accounting or financial irregularities
  • Abuse in the work environment
  • Mismanagement of information


+d program

The energy of diversity

Our +diversity program aims to empower women to fulfill their talent and potential, and reaffirms our commitment to equal opportunities. Today, 50% of Tecpetrol's young professionals are women. Our objective is to develop this seedbed so that they can grow and add value from leadership roles.

However, the program embraces broader issues, as it tackles diversity from all angles capable of adding value to the business. It seeks to raise awareness about biases that limit the growth and contribution of certain groups of people within the organization, and centers on creating tools to help everyone to develop as fully as possible in each area of their lives.



Add your energy

Our energy is our collective will to power Tecpetrol forward. It’s the vitality and drive with which each person carries out their work every day. It’s a dynamic attitude build on intelligence, resourcefulness and seriousness, lying at the heart of our approach to tackle challenges and pursue opportunities.

Our leadership has allowed us to pioneer complex energy projects that make a significant contribution to growth and development in those countries where we are present.


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