Two fields, one single operation

The Ramos field neighboring Aguaragüe in Salta, Argentina, has now passed into Tecpetrol’s hands. Although it’s a logical step, it’s a dream that has been years in the making.

“We’ve always been keen to expand our activities in the area. In our meetings, we used to ask ourselves what was missing for us to manage the complete operation in Ramos, where we were acting as minority partners of Pluspetrol and YPF. After a lot of toing and froing, Pluspetrol decided to sell its share, so we went ahead and executed the first refusal clause, which says that if any of the parties decides to sell, the other parties are first in line to apply to buy the shares. And that's how we acquired it,” says Gustavo Blasco, NOA Basin Division Sr. Manager, beaming from ear to ear.

An emotional first meeting.-

Horacio Pizarro, Vicepresident Argentina Conventional & Non Operated, is similarly ecstatic: “We’ve been analyzing this possibility for several years, as it was eminently reasonable for us as operators to work both areas together. It’s pretty obvious, really. And for the people working at Aguaragüe it’s extremely positive news as they’ll now have more responsibility.” In fact, the transition has been so organic that all that the 80-odd people working at Ramos needed to do was change their overalls.

“These are mature areas that are past their production peak but together, they combine to make us the leading gas producer in northern Argentina with an output of 1.828 billion cubic meters per day. As Bolivia will stop delivering gas at the end of winter, having these resources in the basin is very important for gas consumers in Salta, Tucumán and part of Córdoba,” he adds.

The big news, then, is that since Wednesday, May 22, Tecpetrol is operating the entire area. Lucas Murphy, New Ventures Director, who is accompanying the process as part of his duties, explains that, “Now we have to finalize the administrative steps. These involve fine-tuning the final calculations of price adjustments for production rates from January to date."

Plans, plans and yet more plans for the future.-

Gustavo adds that “We’ve ended up with what we always dreamed of. Both reserves, Ramos and Aguaragüe, have enjoyed the distinction of a long and extremely relevant history in northern Argentina for many years. That’s why it was so important to bring them together.”

It's all about the future. Along these lines, Horacio shares the plans for the next decade: “We’re putting together a 10-year proposal for Salta. A solid idea that isn’t just about adding value for us but also for the province as a whole. It’s a broad-based project that includes well analysis, well repairs and the adaptation of facilities. And all that means new investments flooding into the area.”

Great satisfaction after signing the assignment contract at the Pluspetrol offices.-

Is it about synergy? The company’s future projection? Or just that it seemed the logical thing to do? In fact, it’s all of these. And it’s also a matter of the heart. Deeper reasons that can only explained by a feeling that escapes rational explanation: the sense of belonging. In fact, Gustavo says, “For me, it’s become personal! I spent six years in Ramos working at Pluspetrol before coming here. Being able to manage the basin in North West Argentina (the NOA in Spanish) is a double source of personal and professional pride for me. In the first rounds of discussions with the entire operation, it dawned on me that I had worked with pretty much everybody there. When it was my turn to say a few words, there was a small gulp of emotion,” he closes, mentally reviewing all the goals that lie ahead.

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