Anniversaries: The Tecpe family on a path of continuous growth 

From remembering their first day at work to the social and technological changes they’ve driven, Tecpetrol employees celebrate their lives at the company they’ve chosen as a place to work. And they explain why. 

Without exception, Tecpetrol employees whose years of service anniversary at the company is being celebrated this year have all been witnesses to the company’s growth and evolution. Whether they’ve been working here for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, each one clearly remembers how they took their first steps in a much smaller company that was very much a family affair.

But Tecpetrol’s exponential growth in recent years—particularly since work began on the development of the Fortín de Piedra field—was only possible thanks to concrete values and practices such as teamwork.

The members of this anniversary group are appreciative of the fact that Tecpetrol encourages people to develop "a comprehensive vision of the business" and promotes "excellence in working groups," where authentic "areas to discuss options" have been created. These are "spaces where all employee opinions are taken into account," helping everyone to "learn faster."

Without exceptionTecpetrol employees clearly remember how they took their first steps in a much smaller company, with a definite family feel to it.

The expectations people entertained at the outset when they were offered the opportunity to work at a recognized company, part of the Techint Group, have clearly been more than satisfied. Working at Tecpetrol, "a company that is constantly throwing new challenges at you", helps you to "stay up-to-date with the latest innovations in technology," and another plus point is that it "pursues an open-door philosophy as its hallmark."

The question about what people particularly like about the company and working there is extremely revealing. From "feeling that I have freedom of action" to "working with people from different realities and cultures", in a company "that quickly adapts to changes in society", where "more and more women are joining the operation."     

The testimonials shared have as their common denominator "people’s level of commitment, teamwork and consistent leadership to tackle challenges." One person summarizes that, "I’m really happy with the Tecpe family, as this company is the closest to the culture and values that I treasure."

Some employees who are celebrating 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of service at the company in 2022 tell us how they began and why they like working at Tecpetrol:   

Jorge Toro - PRODUCTION EXPERT - Ecuador - 10 years

At the start, it was a challenge for everyone since Tecpetrol's contract with the operator is very different to the format used in other countries. The relationship with officials meant breaking through many barriers but today, after ten years of work, the internal and external work climate is excellent.

The camaraderie makes working at Tecpetrol very enjoyable. The departments and divisions are in constant communication, and we’re all moving towards the same goal, complying with all Tecpetrol’s standards, protocols and policies.

Karina Jérez - PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN - La Jarilla field - 15 years

There were almost 40 of us working in all the fields when I joined, back in 2007, and the different sectors would help each other out with their tasks. I used to organize weekly HSE talks, or write reports for Drilling, WO and Pulling teams... And I even helped to organize the end of the year party!

The company was in full growth mode, and I count myself lucky to have been part of and witness to the changes, from more women joining the operation to the creation of new sectors propelling Tecpetrol into the pole position it holds today.

I like the work-life balance and the flexibility I’ve had in recent years in my job, without compromising the quality of the result, which is what motivates me to continue growing.

Sebastián Galli  - Project Economics Manager - Buenos Aires - 20 years in the Techint Group.

I was a student with very high expectations, looking to learn from the best when I joined the Group 20 years ago. I discovered an environment that encouraged us to challenge ourselves on our quest for great achievements.

Being able to take part in large-scale projects that add value to society is what I like most about working in this company. I also appreciate the opportunities to develop personally and professionally, and the feeling of belonging to a team of people with shared values and desires.

Luis Baum - CORE Lead Supervisor - El Tordillo - 25 years

I remember what it was like when I began work with the company. We would tour institutions and train teachers to use computer programs adapted for children with special needs. As a single father raising my son, they allowed him to come with me on my trips, always working together with the community in projects ranging from community gardens to health networks, culture and NGOs. I feel proud to have been part of the growth of Tecpetrol’s relationship with the community.

Javier Peano - PRINCIPAL DEVELOPMENT PETROPHYSICIST - Buenos Aires - 30 years

I spent a lot of time working at the wells in La Jarilla, Los Bastos, Las Chivas, Punta Senillosa, Caracol Norte and Fortín de Piedra when I joined Tecpetrol in 1992. After the first years, which were mostly operational, I went to work at Headquarters in 1997. Several years later, I was posted to Mexico, then I returned to Neuquén and today I’m back in Buenos Aires.

Over these 30 years, I’ve felt really comfortable and respected by all the teams I’ve worked with. There’ve been so many projects and challenges in different countries, and in each one I was lucky enough to find opportunities for my professional and personal development.

Experience at Fortín de Piedra

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