This is life at Tecpetrol!
The Summer Educational Internships have just wound up: three months of intensive learning and unforgettable experiences at Tecpetrol Argentina. Meet some of the participants!
Known as Summer Interns, or PEVs in Spanish, they’re a varied crowd from different provinces, of different ages, with university degrees in all kinds of subjects, working on a wide range of tasks and objectives. But they all have something in common: during the summer, they were hand-picked and assigned to work on specific projects at Tecpetrol, under the guidance of a tutor, to help them in their training process. For some it was the first work experience they’d ever had, while for others, this was a new direction on a path already begun
This is how Nicolás José Paz, a PEV working in the Supply Chain area at Aguaragüe, put it: “I had very high expectations for my internship. I expected to find myself in a super professional place, surrounded by highly trained and experienced people, in a work environment where I could learn a lot every day. I’m delighted to be able to say that my expectations were more than amply met.”
Any member of Tecpetrol who reads these words will know exactly what he means, because if there’s one thing that stands out about this company, it is its ability to excel in all areas: in the style of its teamwork, the technology it offers, the level of knowledge and human quality of the people making it up. “Amazing people and professionals,” are the words used by Margarita Bravo, a PEV working at the Warehouse in Fortín de Piedra, to describe her team. In addition, she says about her daily work that, “My tutor was incredible, serious and demanding when it came to tasks, but also so much fun and a great person to be with—this was the best combination. And the rest of the team was great too, they were always ready to answer all my questions.”
They all agree on this last point, highlighting that teamwork and the quality of the people helped them to achieve their goals. Denilson Choque Villegas, a PEV working in Process Improvement in El Tordillo, was more than satisfied: "Each objective was a challenge because I had to interact with different sectors in search of information, but everyone was always really willing to help."
Bonds were forged between the PEVs as they went through different stages of the same experience, as pointed out by Delfina Gómez, a PEV working in IT in Buenos Aires: "The relationship with my colleagues was really good, we were always communicating with each other to see how we could help each other out." Making new friends is par for the course, especially for those who were posted to other provinces, like Nicolás: “My big take-away is the relationships I formed with the people I shared these three months with. I’ve made some new friends and had an incredible experience in every way imaginable.”
These testimonials show clearly that the experiences transcend far more than the mere work experience, and all the PEVs are very clear about that! In the words of Rocío Mariel Teves, a PEV working at Operations in Fortín de Piedra, “I treasure the experiences I’ve had these last few months as I’ve been able to learn so much about the industry, the company and also about myself. I believe that the self-knowledge you gain from these kinds of experiences helps to identify what we can do to be better professionals.”
The 2023 Summer Educational Internships have come to an end, but they live on in the hearts and minds of each one of the PEVs and, also, of those people they met and with whom they shared their daily routines.
This note was written by Camila Martinez, a PEV working in Communications, as part of her professional experience.