Up close and personal—with Paolo Rocca
The CEO of the Techint Group invited a group of Tecpetrol women working in the field to a meeting characterized by frank exchange, in order to learn more about the reality of their daily lives and listen to their experiences and opinions.
CEO Paolo Rocca met with 12 women employees from operational areas, and they discussed topics such as different aspects of working in the field, flexibility, expatriation and the challenges of motherhood. The initiative was enshrined within the framework of Tecpetrol's +d program, the company’s approach to diversity, designed to foster equity and inclusion.
Veronica Zárate, Operations Engineer at El Tordillo, commented that “working in the field is what interests me, and it’s nowhere near the same as working in an office! I wouldn’t like to have to walk away from what I most enjoy in order to be a mother. When we talked about things like this, Paolo's answers showed us that he was listening to us and was genuinely interested. I think that’s really important," she stressed.
For the first timePaolo Rocca has met with the women working in the field at Tecpetrol.
Angie Manrique, a Facilities Engineer in Colombia, said that she found the meeting very rewarding. “It was great to be able to meet Paolo in person and discuss different issues related to women working at the operation. The agenda was well organized and the issues we covered were extremely clear. We were all able to give our point of view and talk from our experience and, actually, it was quite pleasant to feel listened to and supported by Paolo, as the leader of the Techint Group,” she expressed.
Yamila Moyano, Production Supervisor in Los Bastos, Neuquén, also stressed the importance of the meeting and the value of feeling accompanied. “I felt very comfortable speaking, able to express myself freely without feeling judged. There is a lot of work that has to be done to continue improving diversity, not only by managers and Human Resources, but also by everyone who is part of the company. However, seeing this level of support from the presidency shows us that they are truly interested in change and that things are on the right track," she said.
Iris Merli, Sr. Facilities Engineer at the Neuquén Basin in Vaca Muerta, said she thought that “the atmosphere was very relaxed. Paolo showed a real interest in everything we said. He listened to everything each of us had to say, and shared his insight into what we said. We’re all keen to see what was talked about translate into reality. For sure, it’s an ongoing process, but there’s definitely a will from senior management for things to happen.”
The meeting with Paolo Roccaat the company’s headquarters in Buenos Aires.
Optimism and expectations
Verónica also said how gratifying it was to meet other women working in the company’s operational areas. “Seeing women in leadership positions high up is a terrific thing, I find it really admirable. I also find it motivating as it makes me realize that I can get there too. The whole atmosphere during the meeting was really positive,” she recalled.
Yamila agreed that the atmosphere was very good and also stressed the degree of harmony achieved with the other women present. “As we’re all experiencing pretty much less the same things, it was interesting to see how we all thought the same. We all complemented each other and nobody dismissed anybody else’s opinion. I’m sure that in a few years, there will be more women taking their place in all kinds of different positions in the company, and this won’t be a matter of surprise,” she stated.
Angie stressed the importance of continuing to hold these types of meetings. “It’s really good for us, the women working in the field, to have these spaces for discussion as they’re not available on a daily basis. This is how senior management can be made aware of our working conditions in the field and, specifically, the conditions in which we women work,” she explained.
For her part, Verónica also emphasized the importance of getting what employees live and think out there, so that convenient solutions can be found for everyone. She added that, “it’s not very constructive to complain about things and then just leave. It’s much better to raise your voice, try and make sure it’s heard, and find and build solutions together. I’m deeply satisfied to have participated in the meeting, and I left with high expectations. Realizing that on the other side, they’re also interested in my growth and development gives me a sense of belonging and boosts my desire to grow in the company.”