It’s October, and time to talk about breast self-examination
In Breast Cancer Awareness Month, take time to check out the guide to spotting the early warning signs, which you can do yourself. And don't forget to schedule an appointment for your mammogram!
The abyss that opens up before one with the discovery of a tumor is untransferable. However, for breast cancer, the good news is that according to statistics, early detection can in most cases enable recovery through treatment.
Breast self-examination is essential for all women, as only 10% of breast cancer diagnoses identify this as being hereditary. In fact, 90% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are unaware that they have it.
A monthly 10-minute self-exam to check for the signs that our body may be sending us is all it takes. Our bodies speak to us and can give us vital information. As well as a monthly self-examination, women between the ages of 20 and 39 with no risk conditions should also have an annual gynecological examination and an annual mammogram after the age of 40.
The World Health Organization (WHO) established Pink October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness of the importance of breast health, encouraging women to carry out self-examinations, and increasing the chances of early detection and successful treatment. Be sure to tell other women around you so they can do this too.
Here’s the visual guide to carrying out a self-examination: