A space for exchange and reunion

The regional director for the company’s work in the Neuquén Basin, Martín Bengochea, invited young professionals working in different areas in the company to an in-person meeting to hear about their experiences and concerns in a relaxed environment.

Encouraging, maintaining and developing the bond and interaction between employees is a priority for Tecpetrol, which is why, over a year into the pandemic, nine Young Professionals working in the Neuquén Basin were invited to meet with the regional director, Martín Bengochea, in person. The idea was for this to be an occasion to share experiences, learn about the Young Professionals’ career goals and listen to their concerns about the business and the company.

The meeting took place in an open-air location respecting the requisite social distancing measures and all the protocols defined by Tecpetrol to protect people’s health.

For Natania Carreras from the Chemical Treatments area, the meeting “was very enriching and motivating for us, as we’re just starting out on our professional careers, and listening to Martín's experiences gave us a very inspiring and encouraging message. But this was also an opportunity for him to hear from us, with our comments and opinions on different aspects of the company, such as HSE, gender diversity, etc.”

She points out the added benefit that, "as this meeting was in person, it was great to enjoy a moment of reunion between colleagues, as we hadn’t seen each other in a very long time due to the pandemic." 

Guillermo Villegas, from Drilling, considered the initiative “an excellent opportunity since we Young Professionals usually only get to have contact with directors in more formal situations such as presentations, so having the chance to exchange views and ideas with Martín in a more relaxed atmosphere was extremely positive. This also shows how interested management is in listening to us and hearing our opinions about the company, which is very motivating in itself. Then there is the fact that they gave us the space to share our concerns and asked questions about our current situation as well as our career plans at Tecpetrol.”

Experience at Fortín de Piedra

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