Operational practices


  • From the very beginning, Tecpetrol set out to create the right conditions to safeguard its people against the pandemic, in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the guidelines issued by the different countries where we are present.

    Gas and oil are primary energy sources without which there would be no electricity, water, transportation, or communications, and vital parts of national civil infrastructure such as hospitals and the food chain would come to a halt. Energy activities thus had to continue all over the world - even in limited form - and the company duly shouldered that responsibility with the full collaboration of all its members and contractors.

    Over these months of the pandemic, we have been very supportive of our communities, helping to bolster their different health systems so they can provide a better response to the spread of the pandemic, and overcoming complex logistics challenges to deliver essential supplies and provide food assistance.

  • Carlos OrmacheaPresidente & CEO

    We have taken major decisions to adapt our operations to the new reality of COVID-19. Our priority is to safeguard the health and well-being of those who go into work every day to fulfill an essential task: providing energy to the region.

  • Federico SameghiniHealth, Safety and Environmental Manager

    We established extremely strict preventive measures to control and detect any possible COVID-19 cases, lessen the psychosocial impact of the situation on our employees, and comply with the health standards recommended and required by the health entities in each region.

  • Federico SameghiniHealth, Safety and Environmental Manager

    We established extremely strict preventive measures to control and detect any possible COVID-19 cases, lessen the psychosocial impact of the situation on our employees, and comply with the health standards recommended and required by the health entities in each region.

The safety of our people:

  • Remote working

    Teleworking has been implemented for all employees who, due to their functions, can do so.

  • Travel

    Business trips have been suspended, except where absolutely necessary and only to low-risk locations. Personal travel to at-risk countries is discouraged.

  • Social distancing

    Personnel are required at all times to respect the 2-meter social distancing with other people throughout our operational centers and offices.

  • Communications

    We communicate best practices regarding personal hygiene and safe behaviors to avoid contagion on a regular basis to all employees and the community where we operate.

Together with the communities

Strengthening health systems

  • COVID-19

    Since the outset of the pandemic, we began to design a support scheme in conjunction with the local health authorities, taking their needs into account. We contributed our efforts to the common fight against the disease, to strengthen health systems and support medical personnel in their daily work. We provided biosafety kits and made ourselves available so that we could together be stronger to tackle the situation caused by COVID-19.


    Comodoro Rivadavia and Rada Tilly 46,700 biosafety items and 2 ventilators. The supplies were distributed to the Regional Hospital, Military Hospital, Pueyrredón Clinic and Primary Health Care Centers of Comodoro Rivadavia and Rada Tilly.

    Salta: 10,750 biosafety items and 1 ventilator delivered to Juan Domingo Perón de Tartagal Hospital, Dr. Luis Adolfo Güemes de Aguaray Hospital, Salvador Mazza Hospital and Mosconi General Hospital.

    Neuquén: 5 ventilators, 2,050 filters and circuits for ventilators, 8 intensive care beds, 8 multiparametric monitors, 25 infusion pumps, 1 laminar flow hood and 61,300 biosafety elements.


    2 ventilators and 34,300 biosafety items delivered to the IMSS 270 Regional General Hospital, 25th Motorized Cavalry Regiment of the Secretariat of National Defense and the Comprehensive Medical Unit of the Government of the State of Tamaulipas in Miguel Alemán.

  • Colombia

    The donations included 2 ventilators and 9,470 biosafety items delivered to the Villavicencio Departmental Hospital and the Puerto Gaitán Health Care Center.


    We delivered 5,950 biosafety items to the Pacayacu Health Center, Dureno Health Center and the Marco Vinicio Iza Hospital.

    Sharing knowledge and experience

    The Humanitas Research Center network in Italy is part of the Techint Group and has been actively sharing not only the knowledge accumulated in that country, but also a significant amount of data collected through their constant interaction with other major research centers in different countries.

Present in our communities

Information pieces